etcdctl member list ==> Failed to get leader: client: etcd cluster is unavailable or misconfigured version: etcdctl version 2.3.7 OS: CentOS7 cluster has two node: centos1 centos2 use Static mechanism to bootstrap cluster centos1 is master,can start normally,but is unhealthy,can't access vi...
export PATH=/usr/local/etcd/bin/:$PATH(多路径之间用:分隔) export ETCDCTL_API=2 正常可以看到 [root@etcd5~]# etcdctl member list71b9fac8482ec139,started,etcd-1,,,started,etcd-3,,
$ etcdctl member list b2b0bca2e0cfcc19: name=node3 peerURLs= clientURLs= isLeader=true c88e2cccbb287a01: name=node1 peerURLs= clientURLs= isLeader=false 会发现node2管理节点被移除集群了...
etcdctl member list 详解 etc/rc.d/init.d 这两个其实是同一个东西,/etc/init.d是/etc/rc.d/init.d的软链接。并且这个东西只有在fedora下面有,ubuntu下面没有/etc/rc.d/这个目录,只有/etc/init.d,openSUSE下面有/etc/rc.d,直接链接的/etc/init.d。 并且有时候可以看到rc0.d/这样的目录,查看这些目录...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于etcdctl member list 详解的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及etcdctl member list 详解问答内容。更多etcdctl member list 详解相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
etcdctl member list 7e7a0308e6c2067f, started, etcd-003,,, false be8c6e0b5f5f6157, started, etcd-002,,, false f15c8d27ccf66395, started, etcd...
member add Adds a member into the cluster member list Lists all members in the cluster member promote Promotes a non-voting member in the cluster member remove Removes a member from the cluster member update Updates a member in the cluster ...
2、查看集群成员信息 [root@localhost etcd-v3.3.10-linux-amd64]#./etcdctl member list4c14bc06668e9505: name=etcd3 peerURLs= clientURLs= isLeader=false57bf4d2527966724: name=etcd2 peerURLs= clientURLs=http://...
--prefix[=false] Get keys with matching prefix --rev=0 Specify the kv revision --sort-by="" Sort target; CREATE, KEY, MODIFY, VALUE, or VERSION 2. put Puts the given key into the store 3. del Removes the specified key or range of keys [key, range_end) ...
--debug[=false] enable client-side debug logging --dial-timeout=2s dial timeout for client connections --endpoints=[] gRPC endpoints --hex[=false] print byte strings as hex encoded strings --insecure-skip-tls-verify[=false] skip server certificate verification ...