"msg": "failed to start etcd", "error": "error validating peerURLs {ClusterID:4816f34666...
https://xxx.xxx.xxx.7:2379 is unhealthy: failed to commit proposal: context deadline exceeded Error: unhealthy cluster# 不带证书验证会发现提示都是unhealthy,必须带上证书[root@1a32vla0168zzzz etcd]# etcdctl --cacert /app/etcd/cfssl/ca.pem --cert /app/etcd/cfssl/server.pem --key /app/et...
etcd:2379 is unhealthy: failed to commit proposal: etcdserver: user name is empty Error: unhealthy cluster etcd 00:08:14.73 ERROR ==> Unhealthy endpoint! Because it would not set--userparam: https://github.com/bitnami/containers/blob/424bff846b2d18010795e08778f43a6a55b19251/bitnami/etcd/3.5...
Previously, if endpoint is unreachable, the command output is "<endpoint> is unhealthy: failed to connect: <error message>". This change unified the error message, all error types now have the same output "<endpoint> is unhealthy: failed to commit proposal: <error message>". Add missing ... is healthy: successfully committed proposal: took = 18.227226ms is unhealthy: failed to commit proposal: context deadline exceeded Step 2. Remove the unresponsive node Having confirmed which node is unresponsive in the cluster, remove this from the node... is healthy: successfully committed proposal: took = 13.430258mshttps:// is healthy: successfully committed proposal: took = 15.020918mshttps:// is unhealthy: failed to commit proposal: context deadline exceeded ...
committed proposal: took = 2.989943ms is unhealthy: failed to ...
However, if I actually try to execute anything against etcd2 I get the following error both from etcdctl and in the logs: # ETCDCTL_ENDPOINTS="https://etcd2.test.domain.com:2379" etcdctl endpoint health https://etcd2.test.domain.com:2379 is unhealthy: failed to commit proposal: etcdserver...
If an endpoint fails to participate in consensus, prints a message indicating the endpoint is unhealthy. Example Check the default endpoint's health: ./etcdctl endpoint health # is healthy: successfully committed proposal: took = 2.095242ms Check all endpoints for the cluster ...
root@ubuntu:~/etcd-v3.5.0-linux-arm64# ETCDCTL_API=3etcdctl --endpoints=,, endpoint healthhttp:// is healthy: successfully committed proposal: took = 2.311413mshttp:// is healthy: successf...