I have no name!@555187fb758c:/opt/bitnami/etcd$ etcdctl --user='root' --password='LiuBei@161' get name name guanyu 测试:不使用用户密码操作报错 I have no name!@555187fb758c:/opt/bitnami/etcd$ etcdctl get name {"level":"warn","ts":"2022-07-02T08:11:34.599Z","logger":"etcd-cl...
name guanyu 测试:不使用用户密码操作报错 I have no name!@555187fb758c:/opt/bitnami/etcd$ etcdctl get name {"level":"warn","ts":"2022-07-02T08:11:34.599Z","logger":"etcd-client","caller":"v3/retry_interceptor.go:62","msg":"retrying of unary invoker failed","target":"etcd-endpoint...
Error:etcdserver:user nameisempty 再创建一个用户 Ihave no name!@49b555472f39:/opt/bitnami/etcd$ etcdctl--endpoints= add putong 用户、角色操作命令引用https://blog.csdn.net/xingzuo_1840/article/details/125572916 ...
I have no name!@555187fb758c:/opt/bitnami/etcd$ etcdctl --write-out=table member list +---+---+---+---+---+---+ | ID | STATUS | NAME | PEER ADDRS | CLIENT ADDRS | IS LEARNER | +---+---+---+---+---
I have no name!@1ef672fe67a2:/opt/bitnami/etcd$ /opt/bitnami/scripts/etcd/healthcheck.sh is healthy: successfully committed proposal: took = 1.600037ms When noETCD_ROOT_PASSWORDis provided,ALLOW_NONE_AUTHENTICATION=yesis required to accept the risks of running without authenticat...
networks:etcd-net: #网络 driver: bridge #桥接模式 volumes:etcd1_data: #挂载到本地的数据卷名 driver: local etcd2_data:driver: local etcd3_data:driver: local ### ### services:etcd1:image: bitnami/etcd:latest #镜像 container_name: etcd1 #容器名 --name restart: always ...
go run main.go connect to etcd success Type: PUT Key:name Value:wxf Type: READ Key:name Value:wxf Type: DELETE Key:name Value: Type: PUT Key:name Value:xyy Type: PUT Key:name Value:test for terminal Type: PUT Key:name Value:test for terminal aabbccdd I have no name!@5454f5a719...
I have no name!@etcd-0:/opt/bitnami/etcd$ etcdctl get --prefix "/apisix" /apisix/consumers/ init_dir /apisix/global_rules/ init_dir /apisix/node_status/ init_dir /apisix/plugin_metadata/ init_dir /apisix/plugins/ init_dir /apisix/proto/ init_dir /apisix/routes/ init_dir /apisix/ser...
# c29628fad095cd6b: name=ose3-node2.example.com peerURLs= clientURLs= isLeader=false Verify there are no v3 keys Your etcd cluster is now back to v2 and should have no v3 keys, verify ...
In general resouce-uri is formed like this :/apis/<group>/<version>/namespaces/<namespace>/<kind> reference:https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/api-concepts/#resource-uris What to do if I have already exceeded the maximum etcd database size?