unable to get all keys from etcd api v3 using curl/postman version from api curl -sL --insecure {"etcdserver":"3.4.7","etcdcluster":"3.4.0"} version from app $ etcd --version etcd Version: 3.4.7 Git SHA: e6...
etcdctl get --prefix "" --keys-only=true 1. 读取键为 foo 的命令: $ ./etcdctl get foo --user root --password=pass foo // key bar // value 1. 2. 3. 只读取 key 对应的值呢: $ ./etcdctl get foo --print-value-only --user root --password=pass bar 1. 2. 读取一系列 key,例...
get - Gets the key or a range of keys USAGE: etcdctl get [options] <key> [range_end] OPTIONS: --consistency="l" Linearizable(l) or Serializable(s) --from-key[=false] Get keys that are greater than or equal to the given key using byte compare --keys-only[=false] Get only the ...
/* LeaseGrant creates a lease which expires if the server does not receive a keepAlive within a given time to live period. All keys attached to the lease will be expired and deleted if the lease expires. Each expired key generates a delete event in the event history.*/ LeaseGrant (Lease...
[root@satori-003 ~]# etcdctl get "" --prefixa 1 b 2 c 3 d 4# 也可以只查看 key[root@satori-003 ~]# etcdctl get "" --prefix --keys-onlya b c d [root@satori-003 ~]# 7)删除所有的 key 相信你一定知道怎么做。 [root@satori-003 ~]# etcdctl del "" --prefix4 ...
get / –prefix –keys-only: 查看所有 key etcd集群调优: ETCD作为kubernetes集群后端存储的分布式键值数据库,保存整个集群的状态信息,因此,对于etcd的备份和优化显得至关重要。etcd 使用 Raft 一致性算法来在成员之间复制请求并达成一致。一致性性能,特别是提交延迟,受限于两个物理约束:网络 IO 延迟和磁盘 IO 延迟...
etcdctl get Gets the key or a range of keys etcdctl put Puts the given key into the store etcdctl del Removes the specified key or range of keys [key, range_end) etcdctl txn Txn processes all the requestsinone transaction etcdctl compaction Compacts the event historyinetcd ...
etcdctl--write-out=table--endpoints=$ENDPOINTSsnapshot status my.db+---+---+---+---+|HASH|REVISION|TOTALKEYS|TOTALSIZE|+---+---+---+---+|c55e8b8|9|13|25kB|+---+---+---+---+ (迁移)Migrate migrate用于将v2迁移到v3: # write key in etcd version 2 store export ETCDCTL_API...
get是重点,因为etcd解决读多写少的问题 # Gets the key or a range of keys GET key GET keyfrom keyend --consistency="l" #Linearizable(l) or Serializable(s) 隔离级别,l是线性隔离,效率最高,但可能取到脏数据;s是串行隔离,最严格 --count-only[=false] #Get only the count --from-key[=false...