nsswitch.conf(name service switch configuration,名字服务切换配置)文件位于/etc目录下,由它规定通过哪些途径以及按照什么顺序以及通过这些途径来查找特定类型的信息,还可以指定某个方法奏效或失效时系统将采取什么动作。 $ cat/etc/nsswitch.conf hosts:files dns myhostname 先使用/etc/hosts 搜索;如果失败的话,根...
telnet只是一个命令,而不是服务。后面不能跟restart telnet [-468ELadr] [-S tos] [-b address] [-e escapechar] [-l user][-n tracefile] [host [port]]详细请man telnet
domain.com编辑hosts文件, 给127.0.0.1添加hostname$ vim /etc/hosts $ cat /etc/hosts # 检查...
To have a way of verifying the results, let’s use ping to confirm a given name isn’t resolvable and create a sample entry for it in our /etc/hosts file: $ ping xost ping: xost: Name or service not known $ cat /etc/hosts xost We tested the code in this tutorial ...
为了在/etc/hosts.deny中表示in.telnetd及in.ftpd外,结合192.168.1.0网络段主机提供所有 的Service,正确的表述方式是( ) A. (ALL EXCEPT in.telnetd (EXCEPT in.ftpd) ) :192.168.1. B. (ALL EXCEPT(in.telnetd, in.ftpd)): 192.168.1. C. 192.16& 1.:(ALL EXCEPT in.telnetd (EXCEPT in.ftpd)) ...
CentOS 7重启后dhclient未运行,导致无法获取IP Linux私有镜像网卡漂移问题处理 Linux系统重启后/etc/hosts自动添加主机名解析 多网卡配置文件导致network启动失败处理 Linux系统ping域名失败,提示Name or service not known 来自:帮助中心 查看更多 → 添加的播放域名和推流域名有什么要求? 添加的播放域名和推流域名有...
Oracle WebLogic Server - Version 10.3.6 and later: WebLogic Server Startup Failed With Error: java.net.UnknownHostException: aaaa: Name or service not known - Due to
HOSTNAME.local: Name or service not known (#10077), similarity score: 0.76 FQDN hostname no longer works in wsl.conf (#9897), similarity score: 0.73 Closed similar issues: /etc/hosts not getting generated with the contents of the windows hosts file (#11719), similarity score: 0.76 Updatin...
CentOS 7重启后dhclient未运行,导致无法获取IPLinux私有镜像网卡漂移问题处理Linux系统重启后/etc/hosts自动添加主机名解析 多网卡配置文件导致network启动失败处理Linux系统ping域名失败,提示Name or service not known 来自:帮助中心 查看更多 → Linux系统ping域名失败,提示Name or service not known ...