ECT检查对人体有伤害,因为ECT的使用具有放射性,检查过程中放射性物质会进入人体通过脏器组织间形成浓度差的方式进行检查成像,由于ETC中含有X射线和核辐射,就会对人体造成一定的伤害。 ect是检查什么的 陈浩军副主任医师 上虞市中医院 三甲 ect是发射型体层断层扫描,是ct加上核医学的检查,检查时需要服用放射性物质。
专业医学词典 Cooper's disease,etc. [`ku:pə] 医学辞典 〔Sir Astley Paston Cooper,英国外科医生,1768~1841〕Cooper病等:见breast,disease,fascia,hernia,ligament和testis项下 与"Cooper's disease,etc."相近的词条 ... Cooper,James Fenimore Coopernail's sign Cooper's Cooper's aneurysm needle Coop...
医学辞典 〔Friedrich Gustav Jakob Henle,德国解剖学家,1809~1885,杰出的解剖学家和组织学家〕Henle袢等。分别见ampulla,ansa,canal,cell,fiber,fissure,gland,layer,ligament,loop,membrane,reaction,sheath,sphincter,spine,和tubule项下 与"Henle's loop,etc"相近的词条 ...
求翻译:Type of Degree (eg. BA(Hons), BSc, BEng, MSc, MA, PhD graduate daploma etc) 医学学士学位是什么意思?待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有 Type of Degree (eg. BA(Hons), BSc, BEng, MSc, MA, PhD graduate daploma etc) 医学学士学位...
Type of Degree (eg. BA(Hons), BSc, BEng, MSc, MA, PhD graduate daploma etc) 医学学士学位5个回答 medical degree type of degree (eg. ba (hons), bsc, beng, msc, ma, phd graduate daploma etc)2013-05-23 12:21:38 回答:匿名 Of Type BA Degree (eg.) (Hons, BSc MSc, BEng, ...
医学辞典 〔Johann Gottfried Zinn,德国解剖学家,1727~1759〕Zinn动脉等:分别见annulus tendineus communis ;arteria centralis retinae;circulus vasculosus nervi optici;fibrae zonulares和zonula ciliaric;以及cap项下 与"Zinn's artery, etc."相近的词条 ... ...
英汉医学词典 n.诱发反应控测器 与"evoked response detetctor"相近的词条 ... evoked response audiometry Evoked response audiometry with EEG Evoked response averager evoked response detector evoked response detector(ERD) evoked response detetctor evoked response profiles evoked slow cortical response evoke...