New Year, New eTapestry Course Catalog Blackbaud University's mission is to help you get the greatest benefits from your Blackbaud products. If your organization subscribes to one of our Blackbaud Learn training subscriptions, check out the updated eTapestry course catalog. If you're not subscr...
tapestry是什么意思、tapestry怎么读 读音:美[´tæpəstri]英[´tæpəstri] 英汉翻译近义词典英英词典发音词典 tapestry中文翻译 n.挂毯;绣帷;织锦 vt.用挂毯装饰;在一块挂毯中制织出或描绘;罩上绣花罩毯 tapestry是什么意思网络解释 花毯; 织锦画; 挂毡 ...
What are the benefits and drawbacks of using Blackbaud eTapestry for nonprofit management? Admission-Based Nonprofit Software Nonprofit CRM Software fundraising software 0 What is Blackbaud eTapestry used for? What is Blackbaud eTapestry used for?
“tapestry”的中文翻译 词典解释 美音:[ ] 英音:[ ] n.[U][C] 1. 绣帷;挂毯 The walls of the banqueting hall were hung with tapestries. 宴会厅的墙上挂着绣帷。 2. 绒绣;织锦 及物动词 vt. 1. 用绣帷(或挂毯)装饰
ELINOR STEELE TAPESTRY Home About Gallery Contact More Recent Exhibit News DESIGNER/WEAVER OF CONTEMPORARY TAPESTRIES USING TRADITIONAL HAND-WEAVING TECHNIQUES Reconstruction V 33" x 59" Jackson Gallery, Middlebury, Vermont Recent exhibit, through 3/31/18 ...
tapestry n.[U][C] 1. 绣帷;挂毯 The walls of the banqueting hall were hung with tapestries. 宴会厅的墙上挂着绣帷。 2. 绒绣;织锦 vt. 1. 用绣帷(或挂毯)装饰 生辰测算手机吉凶2025年运势一生财运 性别: 男女 生日: 立即测试》 立即测试...
tapestry 'tæpɪstriː Main English Definition (名) As a noun A wall hanging of heavy handwoven fabric with pictorial designs. A heavy textile with a woven design; used for curtains and upholstery. Something that resembles a tapestry in its complex pictorial designs. Hyphenation tap...
@知了爱学tapestry中文翻译 知了爱学 翻译结果:tapestry的中文翻译是“挂毯,壁毯”。 应用场景:该词通常用于描述一种装饰墙壁的大型织物,常见于室内装饰或艺术品展示。 造句例句: 英文:The luxurious tapestry on the wall added a touch of elegance to the living room. 中文:墙上的豪华挂毯为客厅增添了一丝...
复数:tapestries过去式:tapestried过去分词:tapestried现在分词:tapestrying第三人称单数:tapestries 记忆法添加记忆法 真题例句 1.Student: Then he would be the one to decide which words and images would go on thetapestryand what would be left out.(听力 托福-12)您的浏览器不支持 audio 标签。
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