The variable depth differences between the various pass-bands (sometimes the dips are practically undetectable in visual light) suggest atmospheric type of eclipses. The spectral type of the hypothetical small companion, derived from the relative depths in the monochromatic light curves, is early type...
The Suzaku X-ray observatory monitored the supermassive binary system η Carinae 10 times during the whole 5.5 yr orbital cycle between 2005 and 2011. This series of observations presents the first long-term monitoring of this enigmatic system in the extremely hard X-ray band between 15 and 40...
The luminous, massive binary system eta Carinae is both one of the nearest and most unstable objects in a class of evolved massive stars, near the end of its lifetime before expected destruction in a supernova. It experienced a major outburst in 1843, producing the well-known Homunculus nebul...
Star type Alkaid is a young star of the spectral type B3 V. It is a hot blue main sequence star that still fuses hydrogen into helium in its core. It has an estimated age of only 10 million years and is considerably younger than the other Big Dipper stars. Alkaid has 6.1 times the ...
We present the ASCA results on the peculiar star η Carinae (here η Car) in the center of the Carina Nebula. The observation was done for 40 ksec on 1993 August 24–25 with two Solid-state Imaging Spectrometers (SIS0, SIS1) and two Gas Imaging Spectrometers (GIS2, GIS3). In this ...
We report on the N II {lambda}{lambda}5668-5712 emission and absorption lines in the spectrum of {eta} Carinae. Spectral lines of the stellar wind regions can be classified into four physically distinct categories: (1) low-excitation emission such as H I and Fe II, (2) higher-excitation...
stars: early-typestars: individual: Eta Carinaestars: windsoutflowsX-rays: starsThe Suzaku X-ray observatory monitored the supermassive binary system 畏 Carinae 10 times during the whole 5.5 yr orbital cycle between 2005 and 2011. This series of observations presents the first long-term monitoring...
CarinaeinterferometryspectroscopyVLTIinfraredmass losswindsemission linesWe present interferometric near-infrared observations of the Luminous Blue Variable (LBV) η Car using theVery Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) and the AMBER instrument of the European Southern Observatory(ESO).~1A high spatial ...
We present the first interferometric NIR observations of the LBV η Carinae with high spectral resolution. The observations were carried out with three 8.2 m VLTI Unit Telescopes in the K-band. The raw data are spectrally dispersed interferograms obtained with spectral resolutions of 1,500 (MR-K...
Section 5 is devoted to the spectral analysis of the selected objects. We describe the numerical tools employed, including brand new capabilities implemented in XTgrid [16] for this work and the results obtained. Finally, Section 6 and Section 7 are devoted to the discussion and conclusions. 2...