How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-) 'Sneaked' or 'Snuck': Which is correct? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay ...
Citation @inproceedings{emelin-etal-2021-moral, title = "Moral Stories: Situated Reasoning about Norms, Intents, Actions, and their Consequences", author = "Emelin, Denis and Le Bras, Ronan and Hwang, Jena D. and Forbes, Maxwell and Choi, Yejin", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2021 Con...
Structure and geology of the Northeast Atlas mountains., “Guide-book to the geology and history of Tunisia” J Andrieux Sur le caractère « post-tectonique » de la mise en place des nappes « rifaines » (Rif, Maroc) C.R. Acad. Sci., Paris (1968) M Mattauer et al. Major...
From Day 8 through adulthood, birds use a consistently oriented stroke-plane angle over all substrate inclines during wing-assisted incline running (red arcs) as well as during descending and level flight (blue arcs). From Dial et al. [20], used by kind permission. What features does ...
Pellicle strips that reach the posterior end of the cell are shown in yellow; strips that terminate before reaching the posterior end are shown in blue and purple. The solid grey lines that connect the terminating strips represent each exponential whorl of reduction. Note that the cell ...
Some UFO shoot-downs have been reported to the International Criminal Court, but no criminal citations have been issued. [Shame!] STAR NATIONS AMBASSADOR DEMANDS GLOBAL CEASE-FIRE ON ALL UFOS. THE GUILTY MUST BE PROSECUTED IN EARTH'S INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT. CAPTURED STAR PERSONS MUST BE...
Through its trademarked logo and authentic luxury jewellery, encompassed in the globally recognised “Tiffany Blue” boxes, Tiffany & Co.’s cultural significance stems from its embodiment of the expected makings of a brand (Chernatony et al.). However, what propels this brand into what Douglas...
A function to identify observationally realistic blue stragglers. Procedure is to locate all stars brighter than the turn-off magnitude and bluer than the turnoff color optionally padded by some amount. Additionally, blue stragglers are restricted to singles which are main sequence or binaries contai...
Figure 1. ΔAPOClimatedata values (black), the least squares linear fit (blue line) to them, and the linear trend per Resplandy et al. (red line) Assuming I am right that Resplandy et al. have miscalculated the trend in ΔAPOClimate, and hence the trend in ocean heat content (OH...
You have selected 1 citation for export. Direct export About Mendeley About RefWorks Export file Format RIS (for EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite) BibTeX Text RefWorks Direct Export Content Citation Only Citation and Abstract Advanced search Article outline is loading... Metal ...