这对于加速SDV的开发至关重要,因为SDV依赖于汽车中每个电子设备中软件的可靠连接和可升级性。与此同时,eSync联盟的合规性工作组(Compliance Working Group)推出eSync代理验证工具(Agent Validation Tool),为用户提供测试eSync应用的强大功能。基于Web的界面允许完整的OTA消息验证。它的推出让汽车制造商相信一级供应商的eSy...
EXLFR-3P-ESYNC-OTA Excelfore eSync over-the-air (OTA) updates for next generation of software defined vehicles (SDV) by ExcelFore
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5 Steps to Alleviating Endpoint Management Tool Sprawl Understand why and how to consolidate tools using HCL BigFix, including how to cost-justify tool consolidation. Automate Compliance Patch and regulatory compliance as cyberattack continue to rise and threaten business operations. HCL BigFix continuou...