**WHERE** are the jobs to do this? I don't see them anywhere on my RDP server (3.82, DS6.9, build 355) -- all I can find is a couple of documents and a sample kickstart file. I haven't found them anywhere on the Altiris, VMware, or HP sites.I'd l...
I am having a problem with the "out-of-the-box" W2K3 Enterprise and ESX jobs that come with RDP 2.W2K3 fails during the Altiris Client install script. If I remove that script from the job, it works but obviously I need to get it to work with the script. It fails when...
"jobs":"Jobs","jobsUrl":"https://www.ea.com/careers","legal":"Legal","legalUrl":"https://www.ea.com/legal","userAgreement":"User Agreement","userAgreementUrl":"https://www.ea.com/legal/user-agreement","privacyAndCookiePolicy":"Privacy & Cookie Policy (Your Priv...
jobs. The range must be big enough to provide enough numbers for the maximum number of Grid Engine jobs running at a single moment on a single host. E.g. a range like >20000-20100< means, that Grid Engine will use the group ids from 20000-20100 and provides a range for 100 Grid ...