(57)< Abstract > < Topic > You simplify structure, in addition, you are large to folding manipulationPower not to need, to make manipulation simple, conveyance convenientlyDo. Solutions Handle pole 5 and sukedobodo itselfIn the joint part, locking one plug axis 6, concatenated pedestal 3It ...
陳 定興
A new method for solder finishing the leads of an integrated circuit package such as a DIP having two parallel rows of leads along the sides of the package. The method contemplates establishing two vertical columns of falling molten solder and spacing the columns apart a distance substantially ...
Solutions In surface frontal control lever lower part of deck boardFacilities to do two these steel sticks which stretching are done shift to the fork section median, the soThe projection edge to dominate the short column of the side center section, left and right transferring/changing of the ...