求助ESULOKSOUND 5.0芯片 只看楼主收藏回复 沈局连段~辽东半岛号 SS7C 8 如题,ESU数码音效芯片可以通直流电吗,我的一台SS4(1435的)被通上了9.0伏的直流电,那个肇事者说他听到了滋滋声后就拿下来了,请问这个情况会不会烧坏芯片?注:是A车,ESU的芯片,现在家里的DX10 DCC控制器坏了 送TA礼物 来自...
这些ESU 文件可以使用 一 种已知的软件应用程序查看,这些应用程序通常是由Electronic Solutions Ulm开发的LokSound。 它与 一 种主要文件类型相关联,但经常以LokSound Electronic Sound File格式出现。 在大多数情况下,这些文件被视为Audio Files。 桌面(和某些移动)设备上已支持文件扩展名为 ESU 的文件。 Windows完全...
We are the largest provider of LGB trains, DCC Sound Decoders, ESU DCC Decoders, Soundtraxx DCC Decoders, Marklin DCC Decoders and More: Old Dominion Railways
I am now able to offer an affordable ESU Loksound DCC sound decoder programming service to customers in the U.K. I can program ESU decoders from V2 to V5 (but not the Loksound Select Direct decoders as these are not reprogrammable with a new soundscape) either as a stand alone decoder...
中国大陆居民采购ESU LokSound系列数控解码器订单下载
the interest in ESU lock sound decoders surfaced on MRH among other places. So the series was increased to include a Lok sound decoder. It all sound simple. Well, last week the Lok sound version was tested on DC. The results brought up as many questions as it answered. As shown in ...
【HO火车模型搬运•韩国KTX2代山川号高铁铜车数码音效模型基本组•带esu loksound5.0芯片•HXD2 DF5同款哦】鐵道鉄道火车迷轨道交通电联车AlexSmithn 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 1394 0 01:04 App 【火车模型】1435火车模型 SS40325-0471 南局福段 推挽货列 穗村西站一道通过 ...
Review- Scaletrains.com Tier 4 GEVO Rivet Counter & Operator ET44 ESU LOKSound 2 是在优酷播出的生活高清视频,于2017-09-22 11:14:37上线。视频内容简介:Review- Scaletrains.com Tier 4 GEVO Rivet Counter & Operator ET44 ESU LOKSound 2