Estrogen-only Hormone Replacement Therapy May Reduce Breast Cancer RiskWhile some forms of hormone replacement therapy have been found to increase breast cancer risk, therapies that use only estrogen may actually protect women against the disease, a new study saysRachael Rettner...
However, for a small number of women, the only effective therapy for hot flushes is estrogen replacement. Women with early stage breast cancer are unlikely to die from this disease and will be more likely to be affected by age-related diseases such as heart disease, strokes and osteoporotic ...
Whether postmenopausal women who use estrogen-only hormone replacement therapy (HRT) have an increased risk of breast cancer is unclear. Lyytinen and colleagues, therefore, investigated the effects of different doses, constituents, and administration routes of estrogen-only HRT on the risk of breast ...
Related to Estrogen-replacement therapy: HRThormone replacement therapy n. Abbr. HRT The administration of estrogen, usually in combination with a progestogen, to relieve the symptoms of menopause and reduce the risk of osteoporosis in women. Hormone replacement therapy has been associated with certain...
An RCT of estrogen replacement therapy for PLMD enrolled postmenopausal women, about half of whom were found to have PLMD. Q/What drugs are effective for periodic limb movement disorder? Allied documents that were recently released to the public recount not only the strange estrogen replacement ther...
Menopausal Hormone Replacement Therapy and Risk of Ovarian Cancer. Conclusion: Women who used estrogen-only replacement therapy, particularly for 10 or more years, were at significantly increased risk of ovarian cancer in ... Lacey,Jr,James,... - 《Jama Journal of the American Medical Association...
43 While the mechanisms underlying the present results are as yet unknown, the data suggest that some therapeutic interventions may only act during selective phases of the disease process.Thus, in the intact healthy brain, estrogen could play a key neuroprotective role by delaying the initiation ...
My own sense is that many of the risk/benefit analyses that have been made of estrogen have focused almost exclusively on mortality rates. While virtually all these studies have shown that using estrogen comes out far ahead of forgoing it, that’s really only one side of the story. The ot...
BACKGROUND : The purpose of this study was to evaluate the cross-sectional and longitudinal association of oral estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) and cognitive function in an older, nondemented sample of women. METHODS : In a prospective cohort of 9651 white women aged 65 years and older ...
OBJECTIVE: To quantify compliance with using estrogen-only hormone replacement therapy (HRT) up until the time of mean age of natural menopause in women undergoing either bilateral oophorectomy or removal of one remaining ovary at the time of hysterectomy for benign disease. DESIGN: Prospective stud...