Bothsoyandestoymean 'I am'. However, there are some differences regarding their usage. Soy(whose infinitive isser) means 'I am', and it is used... Learn more about this topic: Ser vs. Estar in Spanish | Conjugations, Examples & Uses ...
The received opinion that /-j/ derives from the Medieval Spanish locative adverb (h)y 'there', must be discarded (Lloyd 1987, Penny 2002); other proposed solutions may have codetermined the change, but remain marginal. The study contributes to the debate on the architecture of morphology in...
VirtualDJ论坛 Spanish Forum Topic: Hola estoy por comprar un controlador Pioneer ddj 400 que opinan de el ?? 由于该帖子已年深日久,可能包含陈旧过时或描述错误的信息。gatusalemPRO InfinityMember since 2005 Hola soy usuario full y quiero comprar un ddj-400 quisiera saber ...