If the child's weight is guessed, the doctor could risk under- or overprescribing analgesia, sedation, or intravenous fluids. Given the wide range of estimates, actual weights are required for accurate prescribing. Prescribing on an age basis may be acceptable for drugs such as paracetamol or ...
The relationships between live weight and eight body measurements of West African Dwarf (WAD) sheep were studied using 300 animals under farm condition. The animals were categorized based on age and sex. Data obtained on height at withers (HW), heart girth (HG), body length (BL), head leng...
Our approach is simple and is similar in spirit to the approaches used in forensic economics13,14. The key idea is that to the extent that FGM leads to death, this should be captured by increases in age-specific mortality rates. To compute these increases, we constructed a dataset combining...
the parental indirect genetic effects we have identified may capture proximal forms of ‘nurture’ (e.g., a parent directly training their child’s cognitive skills, or cultivating their child’s learning habits through participation and support...
Firstly, dual energy x-ray absorptiometry z-scores were adjusted for gender, age and ethnicity but not for height and weight. Adjusting for height and weight is expected to explain some of the variance because dual energy x-ray absorptiometry reads may be affected by those parameters. ...
Child’s weight status and parent’s response to a school-based body mass index screening and parent notification program. J Sch Nurs. 2015;31(4):300-305.PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 24. Burton RF. Why is the body mass index calculated as mass/height2, not as mass/height3? Ann Hum...
Such a pattern indicates that heartbeat counting performance, both performance at each time point and stability, is driven largely by child-specific factors – factors that make individuals in the same family different. Whilst these data cannot elucidate what factors these may be, various non-...
production using serum Cr (sCr), age, and body weight (BW) as variables: (CrCl + b4) · sCr = b1 – (b2 · age) + (b3 · BW) subsequently estimating parameter values by linear least squares, with CrCl as the dependent variable, and 1/sCr, age/sCr, BW/sCr as independent ...
The studies used questionnaire based interviews and 24-h dietary recall questionnaire to gather the information on child age, sex, birth weight, breast feeding, weaning age, HBV vaccination, socioeconomic status, family size or dietary consumption in one or all of the studies. These data were ...
Here, we develop a novel framework to estimate country-, age-, and sex-specific estimates of cumulative incidence stratified by PGS for 18 high-burden diseases. We integrate PGS associations from seven studies in four countries (N = 1,197,129) with disease incidences from the Global ...