Individuals are also able to deduct a bad debt from their taxable income if they previously included the amount in their income or loaned out cash and can prove that they intended to make a loan at the time of the transaction and not a gift. The IRS classifies nonbusiness bad debt asshor...
Pay-down %=(The sum of the last three months payments from the account)/(The sum of three month balances for the account based on tradeline data). The paydown percentage may be set to, for example, 2%, for any consumer exhibiting less than a 5% paydown percentage, and may be set...
would increase such financial institution's revenues, primarily in the form of an increase in transaction fees and interest payments received. Consequently, a consumer model that can accurately estimate purchasing power is of paramount interest to many financial institutions and other consumer services co...
Once total gasoline car sales are declining year over year, if you have the choice of throwing money down holes which might get a little bit of oil, or investing in an electric car factory, which would *you* choose? As the capital disappears, so the wells can’t be “juiced” any mor...