16、Systematic error系统误差:由一些固定因素造成,取值恒定或按一定规律变化,具有方向性。 17、Random error of measurement随即测量误差:是指在测量中即使仪器设备已校准,操作过程已进行了标准化,但相同条件下对同一研究对象重复测量,也可能存在多次测量结果不完全相同的现象。 18、Sampling error抽样误差:是指由于生物...
It is calculated from the inverse of the CDF for the Student's T distribution with degrees of freedom equals N-1, where N is the number of values in the sample. For example, to get a t-ratio for 0.05 level of significance or 95% confidence level, you need to take the absolute value...
The rhizosphere effect (R:S), a ratio of the enzyme activity in the SS with Fb to that in the Us, was computed as well. 2.6. Statistical Analysis of the Results The research results were subjected to 2-way analysis of variance (ANOVA; I: forecrop—Fc, II: soil use—Su) at p =...
The statistics of these datasets are listed in Table 1, where h represents the homophily ratio of a graph, and 𝑑𝑎𝑣𝑔=|ℰ||𝒱|davg=|E||V| represents the average degree of nodes in a graph. Table 1. Statistics of datasets. Baseline Methods. We compared our proposed model ...