Upper body fat localization has been associated with an increased risk of breast and endometrial cancers. The aim of this study was to determine whether calorie reduction and weight loss altered body fat distribution, preferentially reducing abdominal obesity and thus theoretically reducing cancer risk....
000 commercial cloud-computing preemptable cores. They demonstrated a 30-fold reduction in cost and time compared to existing pipelines which process similar large-scale datasets. Additionally, their workflow
This may be inter- pretable as the "cost" for constraining the predicted Y to lie in the 0-1 range, rather than leveraging the asymp- totic property that predictions outside the 0-1 range do not matter in large samples. What is the RR estimated LPM ANOVA? The RR estimated LPM that...
Finally, it is of interest to know whether sequons involved in the PTMs of proteins are unique to each kind of PTM process. For example, given the consensus sequon forN-glycosylation isN–X–S/T, one can find out if in the collected data there areN-glycosylated sequences that are alsoO...
22 Estimated reduction in secondary breast and lung cancer risk with involved-field radiation therapy for mediastinal hodgkin lymphoma: Comparison with mantle fields - Radiotherapy and Oncologydoi:10.1016/S0167-8140(06)80763-2D. C. HodgsonT. Xu...
Nevertheless, national policy changes are justified to improve vitamin D status of Canadians through promotion of safe sun exposure messages, vitamin D supplement use, and/or facilitation of food fortification.KEYWORDS: cost, cancer, cardiovascular disease, economics, health, infection ...
95% CI 92–95%) among women These differences in the prevalence of inadequate intake translated into sizeable differences in the predicted benefit and cost-effectiveness of zinc fortification programs. Depending on the NRVs applied, assessments differ regarding the need for and design of zinc fortific...
every fourth baby in the world is 'born too small' or 'born too soon'. Our Series suggests that we already have the knowledge to reverse the current trend and save the lives of 100,000s of babies a year at a cost of $1.1 billion, a fraction of what other health programs receive. ...