TREE heightREGRESSION analysisREGRESSION treesThis study aimed to model the height of trees and volumetric production of eucalypts trees on the agrosilvopastoral systems (AGP) of Zona da Mata Mineira region, Brazil, using artificial neural network (ANN) and regression models to determine the best ...
Structure from Motion Planted forest Integration UAV 1. Introduction Tree and forest structural attributes are essential components of forest management at various scales. Monitoring tree attributes, such as tree species, diameter at breast height (DBH), tree height, and stand volume, provides a basic...
The data for the development of this research came from 194 Mimosa scabrella trees distributed in stands with ages ranging from five to eighteen years located in several counties of the Curitiba metropolitan region. Every sample tree was felled down and divided in the following components: stem, ...
There is a lot of research that has been carried out on the single-tree volume-based growth models (Zhang et al., 2003; Hasenauer, 2006; Luo et al., 2016). Xu et al. (1996) used tree age, diameter at breast height (DBH), and tree height to fit the optimal models of the ...
Use of a tree volume equation based on two lower-stem diameters to estimate forest volume from sample tree counts - Lynch - 1995 () Citation Context ...ersion factors, for converting diameter at breast height (dbh) measurements of treessto carbon content, were obtained for individual species ...
The models were validated with a test data set having the same range of DBH and tree height of the sampled data set on the basis of linear regression Morisita's similarity index. So, the robustness of the models suggests their further application for leaf area and biomass estimation of L. ...
The models were validated with a test data set having the same range of DBH and tree height of the sampled data set on the basis of linear regression Morisita's similarity index. So, the robustness of the models suggests their further application for leaf area and biomass ...
The best model found is composed of five trees as training sample, one as test sample and one as validation sample; dominant height coming from the height of the tallest tree in the plot; categorical variable Clone and continuous variables DBH, DBH dominant and...
We found that the DBH and tree height extracted from the remotely sensed data were lower than their respective field-measured values without adjustment. The magnitude of differences in these measures tended to be larger for smaller-stature trees than for larger stature species. Using DBH and tree...
Only trees with diameter at breast height (DBH) greater than 5 cm were measured, and the fitting of the models was performed based on the DBH, total height (H) and total dry biomass (DAB) for each individual tree. The adjusted equations with no stratification presented adjusted determination...