16.Control of Budget Estimation Quality and Development of Network in the Engineering Design;工程设计概算质量控制与网络化研究 17.Using FoxPro to prepare software for budgetary estimate and budget making of railway engineering;利用FoxPro编制铁路工程概预算软件 18.Deliberation on a couple of problems in ...
Specifically, the study proposes an alternative method for calibrating the activation energy, an input for the maturity method. Concretes cured at two different temperatures are used to calibrate the activation energy. The maturity method based on this activation energy predicted the cold weather ...
In this study, the ML models have been used to assess and map earth fissure hazard; all the models were built in R studio software packages (version 3.6.1). After applying the training dataset for the RF, XGBoost NB, and KNN models, earth fissure hazard indices were calculated for all ...
Owing to the fact that the integrals of the expected damage relations in the two methods, i.e., Civil Engineering, and Partitioned Multiobjective Risk are analytically unsolvable, Romberg numerical integration technique and Excel software were utilized for the related calculations and drawing graphs....
1, calculations by the design data preparation, electrical materials and installation price level price for the Shanghai area, the construction of civil engineering part of the reference to the African region flooring price information is collected. ...
GCEGénie du Conditionnement et de l'Emballage(French: packaging engineering) GCEGlycine Encephalopathy GCEGenerix Collaborative Enterprise(software; France) GCEGrand Challenge Event(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) GCEGymnasium Christian-Ernestinum(German school) ...
Kanwarjot Singh is the founder of Civil Engineering Portal, a leading civil engineering website which has been awarded as the best online publication by CIDC. He did his BE civil from Thapar University, Patiala and has been working on this website with his team of Civil Engineers. Related ...
School of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Curtin University, Perth, Australia Hamideh Kazemi & Ranjan Sarukkalige CSIRO Data 61, Kensington, WA, 6151, Australia Hamideh Kazemi & Quanxi Shao Contributions HK: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Software, Valida...
A Binary Microorganism Self-Healing Agent for Concrete Cracks Comprising Bacillus pasteurii and Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2024, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering An Indirect Fluorescence Microscopy Method to Assess Vaginal Lactobacillus Concentrations ...
CADD Drafter and Design Outsourcing provides the maximum benefit with lowest overhead for 3D Scanning, Survey, Electrical, Plumbing, Land Development, Mechanical and Architectural firms. There are no extra benefits to pay for, no additional Drafting software licenses or hardware to purchase, no person...