1. estimateSizeFactors() 计算Size Factor(尺寸因子) estimateSizeFactors() 对每个细胞进行计算,每个细胞拥有一个Size Factor 查看方式: pDada(Monocle2_object)/sizeFactors(Monocle2_object) Size factor的作用: 用来归一化每个细胞基因表达:UMI matrix/Size factor;归一化之后的值用来计算基因的平均表达量和每个基...
https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/DESeq2/versions/1.12.3/topics/estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix 1.描述 Given a matrix or data frame of count data, this function estimates the size factors as follows: Each column is divided by the geometric means of the rows. The median of these ratios (...
Estimate size factorscountsTable
Error in if (isSparseMatrix(counts)) { : the condition has length > 1 Calls: subMonocle2 ... estimateSizeFactors -> .local -> estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix I was trying to run the standard pipeline with Monocle 2 while got the above error when runiing "mncCDS <- estimateSizeFactors(mnc...
Estimate of the Functional Size in the Requirements Elicitation To estimate the factors related with a project (effort, staff, schedule, cost, etc.) it is required to know or to estimate its size to evaluate the... M Bertolami,A Oliveros - 《Graduatenetworkofargentineuniversitieswithcomputerscien...
dge <- calcNormFactors(dge) logCPM <- cpm(dge, log=TRUE, prior.count=3) v <- voom(dge,design,plot=TRUE, normalize="quantile") fit <- lmFit(v, design) con='high-low' cont.matrix=makeContrasts(contrasts=c(con), levels = design) ...
expressionFamily=negbinomial.size()) pXX <- estimateSizeFactors(pXX) pXX <- estimateDispersions(pXX) Error in intI(i, n = x@Dim[1], dn[[1]], give.dn = FALSE) : invalid character indexing In addition: Warning message: Deprecated, use tibble::rownames_to_column() instead. sessionInfo...
Use the LOGSIZE configuration parameter to set the size of the logical-log files. The amount of log space that is optimal for your database server system depends on the following factors: Your application requirements and the amount of update activity your applications experience. Increased update ...
Full size image Factors that can influence walking speed validity Influence of the cohort The MAE based on the true-positive evaluation differed by < 0.05 m/s between cohorts in both laboratory and real-world settings. In the laboratory, the COPD cohort had the lowest MAE (0.06 m/s) ...
(truncated) plane. The epicardial surface was kept fixed in each “parent” heart. The resizing factors, denoted by constantsf_{LV}andf_{RV}for the left and right ventricles, respectively, were obtained using LHS discussed in the “Sampling method: LHS” subsection. Our automated workflow led...