Create estimates by adding business details, client details, estimate details, items description and price, and any additional information like notes or images. Then, SUPER estimate MAKER calculates the amount and taxes for you. Download SUPER estimate MAKER now and enjoy it totally for free for ...
Register your taxes and add to your receipts Get access to reports of your sales. Have control of your business, see when the customer paid, your expenses, what products and services you have registered, and who are your customers and suppliers. Control your expense and payment Functionalities ...
All this becomes possible for online shops thanks to WISDM Product Enquiry and Quotation for WooCommerce plugin. WisdmLabs is a well-known company that creates mostly WooCommerce oriented plugins. If you follow my blog posts, then you know I have already written about some of their plugins. If ...
SINCE the publication of my preliminary account of a new method of estimating the age of the earth1, based on Nier's isotopic analyses of samples of lead from galena and other lead minerals of known geological age, I have revised the calculations, using Glaisher's Exponential Tables2, and g...