更多外文名:Estella Dawn Warren (本名) / Tellie (昵称) IMDb编号:nm0005535 职业:演员 关注1898人关注 推荐 人物简介 ··· 转入影坛发展的世界超模,被著名男性杂志《Maxim》列为世界100位顶级模特之首。 在电影处女作是与史泰龙主演赛车片《飞驰》(Driven),然后将在影片《人猿星球》(Planet of the Apes)中扮...
Estella Warren. अभिनेत्री: Planet of the Apes. एस्टेला वारेन का जन्म 23 दिसंबर 1978 को हुआ था।एस्टेला वा
In addition, they have an important economic interest in the oil and gas industry for the exploitation of hydrocarbons (Hudec and Jackson, 2011 and references therein) and in the mining industry providing salt, potash or even ore deposits (Warren, 2016 and references therein). There is also ...
Estella Warren. Actress: Planet of the Apes. Estella Warren was a synchronized swimmer from the age of 7 until 17 in her native Canada. She moved away from home at 12 to train for the Canadian National Team. She was the Canadian National Champion for thr
更多外文名:Estella Dawn Warren (本名) / Tellie (昵称) IMDb编号:nm0005535 职业:演员 关注1902人关注 推荐 人物简介 ··· 转入影坛发展的世界超模,被著名男性杂志《Maxim》列为世界100位顶级模特之首。 在电影处女作是与史泰龙主演赛车片《飞驰》(Driven),然后将在影片《人猿星球》(Planet of the Apes)中扮...