Power of Attorney:allows persons you designate to handle your personal and financial affairs when you cannot. Healthcare Power of Attorney:allows persons you designate to handle your medical affairs when you cannot. Agreements for Non-Traditional Families:includes Hospital Visitation forms and an Author...
near Beach Club Road and Rosita Place. The landslide sent mud, dirt, rocks and debris down the cliff to RAT Beach underneath. There were at least three slides that occurred in the morning. Video from SkyFOX shows the side of the cliff collapse, causing a county maintenance truck to ...
but that is only the starting point of the estate planning process. Family, assets and health changes can affect what your wishes are. If you haven’t reviewed your documents recently, take the time to speak with your attorney to ensure that your...
Campbell's abusive actions have cost Stan Strange approximately $11,000.00 to date in his efforts to prove himself innocent. Any prudent person must conclude that if the Attorney General's Office in Oregon had any integrity, they would be prosecuting Campbell, just as the State of North ...
The California attorney general sued MV Realty, alleging the firm targeted vulnerable California homeowners by locking them into 40-year contracts. Southern California home prices fell last month. Don't expect them to plunge 12/13/2023 8:53:58 PM +00:00 ...