Deepak has very good knowledge of the local real estate market and is a hard working and a persistent real estate sales person. He is very communicative and ke.. T Tanvir Rahman starstarstarstarstar Cross Island Realty One, Inc Good S Sharat N starstarstarstarstar Shaida Khan Realtor I ju...
we are already seeing requests for language dealing with the Coronavirus in purchase and sales agreements. As just mentioned, there may be lender delays affecting a buyer’s ability to obtain timely financing due to virus impacts. Buyers and sellers may be subject to quarantines, or if they ar...
it makes the most sense to me that the pre-construction condo market would be the first to go. I could understand sales being hampered by an unwillingness to tie-up deposits with slower price growth, speculation of price retractions, and more profitable options for those monies. This in tur...
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And that’s the biggest con – time.Estate sales take time, from finding clients, to putting everything together, to giving up a weekend to do the event. I found that the max I could do was one per month, and even that was pushing it. Working full time and trying to balance this ...
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No new, or closed sales. 1 closed sale: 11527 Wightman Ln 3/2 $910K. LOTS Nothing to report. This representation is based in part on data supplied by the Sanibel & Captiva Islands Association of Realtors® Multiple Listing Service. Neither the association nor its MLS guarantees or is in...
“From an applicant’s standpoint, this has been a long-standing requirement and could be seen as antiquated and in need of an update, alongside other statutory requirements.” Posted in National Real Estate, New Jersey Real Estate | 86 Comments October sales … UP! Posted on November 22,...
Posted on Tuesday, March 26, 2024 at 07:09 PM in Charity, Deductions, Filing, Forms, Gambling, Healthcare Medical, IRS, Real Estate Housing, Recordkeeping, Sales tax, State/Local, Tax planning, Tax Tip, Taxes | Permalink | Comments (0) Tags: charitable donations, itemized tax deductions...