表格4-EstateAgentsAuthority地產代理監管局.doc,購買香港住宅物業用的地產代理協議 表格4 一般注意事項﹕請仔細閱讀本協議並按指示填寫。如你不明白本協議內的任何字句,請要求代理解釋。如你不明白或不同意代理的解釋,則最佳的做法是在簽署本協議前諮詢你的律師。 備註﹕
had been providing systematic training for estate agents at reasonable fees. legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 運輸及房屋局常任秘書長(房屋)回應時指出,地產代理監管局一直以合 理的收費,為地產代理提供有系統的培訓。 legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk PS(H) respondedthat the EstateAgents Authority would inspect th...
Kong, the Consumer Council andtheEstate AgentsAuthority to jointly explore ways to further enhance the [...] legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 我們亦會與地產建設商會、消費者委員會及地產代理監管局保持溝通,共同探討進一步提高物業市場透明度的 方法。
(WL) matters for PRH, monitoring developments in the private housing market and the existing measures to ensure the healthy and stable development of the market, formulating housing policies and new measures in relation to the private housing market, overseeing the work oftheEstateAgents Authority,...
2.1.1According to the Estate Agents Authority (EAA), CPD activities that bear a close relationship with estate agency law and practice, compliance or supervisory issues are eligible for core CPD points. hkcaavq.edu.hk 2.1.1 根據地產代理監管局的指引,持續專業進修活動的核心科目, 其內 容須與...
monitoring developments in the private housing market and the existing measures to ensure the healthy and stable development of the market, formulating housing policies and new measures in relation to the private housing market, overseeing the work of the Estate Agents Authority, providing policy input...
monitoring developments in the private housing market and the existing measures to ensure the healthy and stable development of the market, formulating housing policies and new measures in relation to the private housing market, overseeing the work of the Estate Agents Authority, providing policy input...
Scheme, the REDA'sownregulatory mechanism, the regulationonestateagents bytheEstateAgents Authority and the publicity [...] legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 我們現時採取多管齊下的措施,包括地政總署的同意方案、商會本 身的監管機制、地產代理監管局對地產代理界的規管,以及消委會的宣 傳和教育。
monitoring developments in the private housing market and the existing measures to ensure the healthy and stable development of the market, formulating housing policies and new measures in relation to the private housing market, overseeing the work of the Estate Agents Authority, providing policy input...
For the private sector, the ICAC launched a two-year Professional Ethics Programme for Estate Agents in 2006 in collaboration with the Estate Agents Authority [...] legco.gov.hk 私營機構方面,廉署 與地產代理監管局於 2006 年聯同 6 個主要商會,推出為期兩年的“地產代 理專業道德推廣計劃”。