He owns considerable realestate. 他拥有相当可观的房地产. 《现代汉英综合大词典》 An industrialestatewill help to promote the business of that city. 工业区将促进那个城市的商业发展. 《简明英汉词典》 I factor ed my uncle'sestatefor three years. ...
美[ɪˈsteɪt] 英[ɪ'steɪt] n.财产;遗产;房地产;庄园 网络屋苑;等级;产业 复数:estates 搭配 同义词 adj.+n. real estate,large estate v.+n. buy estate,inherit estate,settle estate,liquidate estate,own estate 英汉 英英 网络释义 ...
estate 基本解释 estate的翻译 名词财产,遗产,房地产; 个人财产; 不动产权; (较高的)社会地位 形容词(汽车)连箱的(拥有较长的车身和后门,后座后面有较大的空间) estate 相关例句 名词 1. The private store bought an estate car at a cost of $5000. ...
一日一词 | estate音频:00:0001:03 estate.[ɪˈsteɪt] estate名词,有全部财产的意思。 The family members of the late actor Robin Williams' are fighting over how to split hisestate. 已故演员罗宾.威廉姆斯的家人为如何分配他的家产发生争执 。
The meaning of ESTATE is state, condition. How to use estate in a sentence.
estate 又分为两种,大小领主拥有的 estate 统称 freehold,即无期限的“地产权”,或及于世世代代,或及人的一生。佃农享有第二类型的 estate,叫leasehold,即有期限的“地产权”。 说的是权利人对权利(即 estate)本身的“拥有”(ownership)。比如,英美法中有estate owner的说法。
Estate definition: a piece of landed property, especially one of large extent with an elaborate house on it. See examples of ESTATE used in a sentence.
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Related topics:Law,Buildings,Buildinges‧tate/ɪˈsteɪt/●●○AWLnoun1[singular]lawall of someone’spropertyand money, especially everything that is left after theydiesomebody’s estateThe property is part of the deceased’s estate.2[countable...