Title estat — Postestimation statistics for survey data stata.com Syntax Options for estat effects Options for estat sd Options for estat vce Methods and formulas Menu Options for estat lceffects Options for estat cv Remarks and examples References Description Options for estat size Options for ...
Title estat classification — Classification statistics and table stata.com Description Options References Quick start Remarks and examples Also see Menu for estat Stored results Syntax Methods and formulas Description estat classification reports various summary statistics, including the classification table. ...
estimates table ols_no_iq ols_with_iq tsls liml,b se //选择项“b”表示显示回归系数,“se”表示显示标准误。 *用一颗星表示 10%的显著性,两颗星表示 5%的显著性,三颗星表示 1%的显著性 estimates table ols_no_iq ols_with_iq tsls liml,star(0.1 0.05 0.01) *同时显示回归系数、标准误与表示显...
Title estat lcmean — Latent class marginal means stata.com Description Remarks and examples Menu for estat Stored results Syntax Also see Options Description estat lcmean reports a table of the marginal predicted means of the outcome within each latent class. For ivregress, mlogit, oprobit, and...
classification — Classification statistics and table [R] lroc — Compute area under ROC curve and graph the curve [R] lsens — Graph sensitivity and specificity versus probability cutoff [U] 20 Estimation and postestimation commands Stata, Stata Press, and Mata are registered trademarks of Stata...
Title estat sbsingle — Test for a structural break with an unknown break date stata.com Description Options References Quick start Remarks and examples Also see Menu for estat Stored results Syntax Methods and formulas Description estat sbsingle performs a test of whether the coefficients in a ...
The total column, or row if the table is transposed, can also be suppressed. Using Stata's graph box command is another way of seeing the differences among the three iris species for the four discriminating variables. . graph box seplen, over(iris) name(sl) . graph box sepwid, over(...
Title estat ic — Display information criteria stata.com Description Options References Quick start Remarks and examples Also see Menu for estat Stored results Syntax Methods and formulas Description estat ic computes Akaike's (AIC), consistent Akaike's (CAIC), corrected Akaike's (AICc), and ...
Title estat sbcusum — Cumulative sum test for parameter stability stata.com Description Options References Quick start Remarks and examples Also see Menu for estat Stored results Syntax Methods and formulas Description estat sbcusum performs a test of whether the coefficients in a time-series ...