Zulia es uno de los veintitrés estados deVenezuela, se encuentra al noroeste del país rodeado del lago de Maracaido, y limita al norte con el Mar Caribe, al este conFalcón,Laray Trujillo, al sureste conMérida, al sur conTáchiray al oeste conColombia. ...
Jaimes, Edgar J et al (2006), Metodologia multifactorial y participativa para evaluar el deterioro agroecologico de dos subcuencas en el Estado de Trujillo, Venezuela, Interciencia, October, year/vol. 31, number 010, Asociacion interciencia, Caracas, Venezuela, pp. 720-727....
Venezuela###Base de dadoscontamination with eggs and cysts from ascaris lumbricoides and giardia lamblia parasites were assessed in vegetables crops from the locality of la lagunita, la puerta, trujillo state, venezuela, using washing and sedimentation procedures. parasites isolated and identified were ...
Trujillo, Nacarid RodriguezRevista de PedagogíaRODRIGUEZ TRUJILLO, NACARID. Diseno curricular basado en la sistematizacion de consultas: El caso del Estado Amazonas. Revista de Pedagogia (Venezuela), 28 (82): 261-286, mayo-agosto 2007.
Boletín De Malariología Y Salud AmbientalVasquez LC, Vasquez LR, Oviedo M, Sandoval C, Mendez Y, Bastidas G, et al. Perfil clinico y epidemiologico de la leishmaniasis visceral americana en el estado Trujillo, Venezuela (1975-2007). Bol Dir Malariol San Amb. 2010;50:233-42....
to analyze 100 samples, 50 american lettuce (al) and 50 roman lettuce (rl) cultivation in three different town of venezuela: , timotes and bailadores (mérida state) & chejendé (trujillo state) and marketable in fourth markets of lara state: terepaima, cabudare, trinitarias and central....
with the objective of characteristizing the traditional retail food marketing system in trujillo municipality and formulating strategies to improve food distribution, a study was carried out on a radomized stratified sample of 70 commercial establishments registered in the mayors office and grouped by ...
Evaluacion quimica de especies no leguminosas con potencial forrajero en el estado Trujillo, Venezuela. Zootecnia Trop. 2006; 24(4): 401.Garcia D, Medina M, Dominguez C, Baldizan A, Humbria J, Cova L. Evaluacion quimica de especies no leguminosas con potencial forrajero en el estado ...
using the main components (acp) and automatic classification (aca) analysis, the variations of the fodder potential of twenty species in trujillo state, venezuela, according to the propagation method (stake and botanical seed) were studied. the production of edible biomass, the relative acceptability...
in la ceiba harbour, trujillo state, venezuela were evaluated. a seasonal pattern was observed, with maximum captures in march to june (16,51 t) and peak in june (27,95 t), and lower catches from november to february (4,93 t) and september (7,76 t). the fishing effort was higher...