Thiswork was performed as part of the monitoring of fire detection in the area of coverage of the RegionalCenter of Porto Velho (CR-PV) of the Amazon Protection System (SIPAM). There were thematiccrossings that enable the analysis of fires, under the important aspects for understanding the...
FRIAGENS EM PORTO VELHO-RO PARTE I – CARACTERIZAO E QUANTIFICAO CLIMTICA UTILIZANDO QUANTIS SANTOS NETO, L.A.; NOBREGA, R.S. Friagens em Porto Velho-RO Parte I - Caracterizacao e Quantificacao Climatica Utilizando Quantis. In: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 15, Sao Paulo-SP. Anais...
this work was performed as part of the monitoring of fire detection in the area of coverage of the regional center of porto velho (cr-pv) of the amazon protection system (sipam). there were thematic crossings that enable the analysis of fires, under the important aspects for understanding ...
A male specimen of Phanoxyla hystrix (R. Felder, [1874]) was collected in Porto Velho representing the first record from Rondonia State, Brazil.doi:info:doi/10.1590/S0044-59672009000100025Josilndia Silva DuarteCatarina da Silva MottaGilcélia Melo Lourido...