You are a citizen or eligible national of a Visa Waiver Program country. You are currently not in possession of a visitor's visa. Your travel is for 90 days or less. You plan to travel to the United States for business or pleasure. ...
People from the 42 participating countries of the "Visa Waiver Program" receive a 90-day residence permit in the United States thanks to the "Electronic System for Travel Authorization." Advantages of ESTA: Visa-free travel to the USA
Traveling on an Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) can be a relatively smoothexperience, particularly because the Visa Waiver Program (VWP) allows citizens of participating countries to visit the United States without obtaining a traditional visa. However, there are key considerations and...
Traveling on an Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) can be a relatively smoothexperience, particularly because the Visa Waiver Program (VWP) allows citizens of participating countries to visit the United States without obtaining a traditional visa. However, there are key considerations and...
Once you have submitted the ESTA application form, the ESTA system performs queries to different law enforcement databases and information systems in order to determine if the applicant is eligible to travel to the United States under the Visa Waiver Program without a regular B1/B2 visa. ...
美国ESTA是Electronic System for Travel Authorization旅游授权电子系统的简称,是提供给免签证去美国的申请人填写的。点击进入在线填写 旅行授权电子系统(ESTA) 是一个自动化的系统,用以决定赴美旅客是否符合 Visa Waiver Program (VWP)之资格,并决定该趟旅程是否会造成执法或安全风险。
ESTA是ELECTRONIC SYSTEM FOR TRAVEL AUTHORIZATION的简称,中文译文是:旅行授权电子系统。ESTA是一个自动化的系统,用以决定赴美旅客是否符合 Visa Waiver Program (VWP)之资格,并决定该趟旅程是否会造成执法或安全风险。符合免签条件的申请人,访美国需要先申请ESTA,在获得授权许可后方可前往美国。
ESTA,全称为Electronic System for Travel Authorization,即旅行授权电子系统,是美国政府开发的在线申请系统,用于预先审查计划前往美国的免签证计划(Visa Waiver Program,简称VWP)国家的公民资格。自2009年1月12日起,所有来自免签计划国的旅客,在前往美国之前,都必须持有批准的ESTA旅行授权。E...
所有計劃根據豁免簽證計劃 (Visa Waiver Program)Opens in a new tab or window 前往美國的合資格國民,都必須在前往美國之前取得電子旅行授權系統 (Electronic System for Travel Authorisation) (ESTA)。 ESTA 僅於美國海關及邊境保衛局 (US Customs and Border Protection) ESTA 網站Opens in a new tab or window...
Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) is a new Internet-based automated system developed to enhance the security of the Visa Waiver Program (VWP). ESTA will verify an individual’s eligibility to travel to the United States without a visa and determine if an individual poses ...