Information on the ESTA Visa Waiver application for entry to the United States of America. Helpful guides, FAQ and more. Latest news, analysis and updates on the ESTA.
Information on the ESTA Visa Waiver application for entry to the United States of America. Helpful guides, FAQ and more. Latest news, analysis and updates on the ESTA.
ESTA - United State Visa Application form. To apply for ESTA to USA, simply fill out an application form online within minutes using any device you want.
步骤4:前往美国,您需要旅行认证电子系统 (ESTA) 授权或美国签证。请查看您的要求。如果您有资格申请旅行认证电子系统 (ESTA) 批准,您可以在出发前往美国前提前至少 72 小时在美国海关和边境保护局ESTA 网站Opens in a new tab or window上申请 - 目前不再提供实时批准。 步骤5:出行当天,您必须在机场完成出发...
ESTA VISA application services to travel to America under the VISA Waiver Program: find out more about the USA ESTA application form in our website.
Have you ever applied for an immigrant visa to the United States? If you answer "yes" to any of these questions, then you must expect a rejection of your ESTA application. However, this does not mean that you cannot travel to the USA, but only that you need a US visa instead of an...
which includes expert help and assistance, and the fees charged by the Government. is not affiliated with the Government or its sponsors. An application can also be submitted for a lower cost through the Government’s websitehere, though this would be without our pro...
如果您能获取正确的支持,这个申请过程将非常简单。该计划有两个注意事项,适用于来自免签证国家的所有人,如果您难以满足要求,您将面临被拒绝的风险,一旦申请被拒绝,您将面临完全不同的处理过程。 不幸的是,一旦被拒绝,就很难撤销,要逆转拒绝可能是一个漫长的过程。在某些情况下,一旦被拒绝,它会影响您未来去美国旅行...
ESTA所有費用須使用指定之信用卡、金融卡(Master, VISA, AE美國運通,Discover, JCB等)或是用PAYPAL帳戶支付,信用卡持卡人姓名無需與旅客姓名相符,如朋友、親戚或旅遊業者等第三方代為申請,也可以為個人或團體之申請支付相關費用,申請案將在取得付款資料後,才會處理。
ESTA USA offers a simplified online application for travelers visiting the United States. Apply for ESTA, update or check the status of your ESTA.