ESTA是ELECTRONIC SYSTEM FOR TRAVEL AUTHORIZATION的简称,中文译文是:旅行授权电子系统。ESTA是一个自动化的系统,用以决定赴美旅客是否符合 Visa Waiver Program (VWP)之资格,并决定该趟旅程是否会造成执法或安全风险。符合免签条件的申请人,访美国需要先申请ESTA,在获得授权许可后方可前往美国。
An ESTA travel authorization entitles you to engage in tourist and certain business activities in the USA. What is allowed with ESTA? If you have an ESTA authorization to travel to the United States, then you are allowed to do the following things during your stay in the USA: ...
自2012年11月1日起,美國對台灣實施「免簽證計畫(VWP)」,在台灣設籍的中華民國國民,凡持普通晶片護照赴美從事 90 日以下之商務或觀光旅行,可事先至「ESTA官方網站」申請取得「旅行授權電子系統」(Electronic System for Travel Authorization, ESTA)授權許可,即可免除預先申請美國B1/B2簽證,直接赴美。 符合赴美免簽...
The U.S. may have different security rules than your home country. Visit the TSA security page to find out what to expect at the airport. While you're in the U.S., you'll need to carry an ID at all times. For more information, visit the U.S. travel documents page.About...
美国ESTA是Electronic System for Travel Authorization旅游授权电子系统的简称,是提供给免签证去美国的申请人填写的。 旅行授权电子系统(ESTA) 是一个自动化的系统,用以决定赴美旅客是否符合 Visa Waiver Program (VWP)之资格,并决定该趟旅程是否会造成执法或安全风险。豁免签证计划(VWP)可使特定国家和地区以旅游或...
ESTA即ELECTRONIC SYSTEM FOR TRAVEL AUTHORIZATION,美国旅行授权电子系統是免签国家公民赴美旅游时必须提前申请登记的步骤,否则机场无法打印登机牌,入境海关也会阻拦未登记ESTA人士入境,美成达旗下签证超市提供ESTA登记申请服务。 简称 ESTA 中文 美国旅行授权电子系統 ...
您未能经Visa Waiver Program取得授权许可前往美国。您可能可以自外交部取得签证。请造访Department of State网页取得有关申请签证之其他资讯。此回应并非拒绝入境美国。此回应仅禁止您依Visa Waiver Program前往美国。该系统亦显示向您信用卡酌收ESTA处理费之收据通知。
Online service to retrieve your Electronic Travel Authorization for the United States. Check your electronic visa application before flying to the US.
With so many ESTA application agencies on the web it can be overwhelming choosing one for your United States Travel Authorization. We provide a simple platform.
If you’re planning to travel, vacation or study abroad, it’s always a good idea to invest in adequate travel insurance. Travel insurance provides a priceless sense of peace-of-mind while you’re away from home. You never know when you might need it. And you can rest assured that, sh...