Travel to the US Visa-free for 90 days. APPLY FOR ESTA NOW ESTA-FOR-USA.COM’s offers instant processing, email delivery, consulting, multiple payment options, toll-free customer service, expiration reminders, and more for $79. This service is not affiliated in any way with the US Governme...
美国ESTA是Electronic System for Travel Authorization旅游授权电子系统的简称,是提供给符合美国豁免签证计划(VWP)申请人填写的。豁免签证计划(VWP)可使特定国家和地区以旅游或商务为目的的公民免签证去美国,最多可停留90天。并非所有国家和地区均加入豁免签证计划,也并不是所有豁免签证计划包括的国家和地区的旅客都有资...
Apply for ESTA - US Travel Authorization US Tourism - Transit - Business Apply Online Apply Online Travel to the U.S. Immigration Welcome to the U.S. Disclaimer: This Website is a professional travel agency that aims to help individuals and companies complete the necessary travel document reque...
However, this does not mean that you cannot travel to the USA, but only that you need a US visa instead of an ESTA for your trip. This is merely a security precaution of the US authorities. How to complete the ESTA application
Apply for the Official Electronic System for Travel Authorization and you can travel to USA valid for 2 years. ESTA application online on U.S. ESTA Travel Pass.
ESTA是ELECTRONIC SYSTEM FOR TRAVEL AUTHORIZATION的简称,中文译文是:旅行授权电子系统。ESTA是一个自动化的系统,用以决定赴美旅客是否符合 Visa Waiver Program (VWP)之资格,并决定该趟旅程是否会造成执法或安全风险。符合免签条件的申请人,访美国需要先申请ESTA,在获得授权许可后方可前往美国。
(除非旅客是该地区的住民)是下列Visa Waiver Program国家中一国之公民或国民:美国ESTA是什么美国ESTA是Electronic System for Travel Authorization旅游授权电子系统的简称,是提供给免签证去美国的申请人填写的。点击进入在线填写旅行授权电子系统(ESTA) 是一个自动化的系统,用以决定赴美旅客是否符合 Visa ...
ESTAeVisa is a private agency, non affiliated with the government. We will help you evaluate your visa requirements and apply for a United States Travel Authorization (ESTA) for US$ 64. Our processing fee includes the mandatory government fee. It also includes all the benefits that comes with...
ESTA 代表旅行授權電子系統(Electronic System for Travel Authorization)。ESTA 是由美國政府開發的線上申請系統,在遊客能夠進入美國前(無論是以航空、海路或陸路方式),預先審查其是否資格。自 2009 年一月 12 日起,任何以免簽證計劃入境美國者均須持有核准的 ESTA 旅行授權。 為何使用我們的服務? 我們致力提供最佳...
The program allows visitors from these countries to travel to any location within the USA without difficulty and has already been used by countless travelers for the past decade. The ESTA program can be a little confusing for first-time travellers to the US, so check outhttps://www.byevisa...