09:00 pm EST06:00 pm PST 10:00 pm EST07:00 pm PST 11:00 pm EST08:00 pm PST Convert EST to other time zones FreeConvert.com can convert EST to these other time zones: EST to PST EST to ADT EST to WET EST to AEST EST to CST ...
CST to EST call timeBest time for a conference call or a meeting is between 8am-5pm in CST which corresponds to 9am-6pm in ESTCST to PDT call timeBest time for a conference call or a meeting is between 9am-6pm in CST which corresponds to 8am-5pm in PDTCST to PST call timeBest ...
FreeConvert.com can convert EST to these other time zones: EST to PST EST to ADT EST to WET EST to AEST EST to CST EST to AKST EST to MSK EST to HST EST to NST EST to PDT EST to CDT EST to WAT EST to AST EST to WEST EST to HDT EST to CST EST to BST EST to CET EST...
CST - Cuba Standard Time EASST - Easter Island Summer Time ECT - Ecuador Time PET - Peru Time R - Romeo Time ZonePacific Standard Time Offset: PST is 8 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and is used in North America Countries: It is used in following countries: Canada, Mexico, ...
If you need to convert between these two zones on the fly, here is an example to follow: If it is 10:20 AM in PST, then it is 1:20 PM in EST. You need only add three hours to any given time to convert from one to the other. ...
美国东部时间,是指西五区时间,以位于西五区的纽约、华盛顿等城市为代表。美国横跨西五区至西十区,共六个时区。每个时区对应一个标准时间,从东向西分别为东部时间(Eastern Standard Time,EST)(西五区时间)、中部时间(CST)(西六区时间)、山地时间(MST)(西七区时间)、太平洋时间(西部时间)(PST)(...
ChaoyangCST China 8:53p Fri, Mar 21 -8:53p Fri, Mar 21 12pm 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm Sat Mar22 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Converting EST to PST This time zone converter lets you visually and very quickly convert EST to PST and...
中部时间(CST)代表城市芝加哥、新奥尔良。山地时间(MST)代表城市盐湖城、丹佛,太平洋时间(PST)包括太平洋沿岸的4个州,代表城市旧金山、洛杉矶、西雅图,阿拉斯加时间(AKST)只限于阿拉斯加。夏威夷时间(HST)只限于夏威夷。美国的夏时制 从每年四月份的第一个星期日凌晨零点开始(时钟拨前一小时),每年十月份的最后一个...
If it's 5:00 P.M in the CST zone, then it is 6:00 P.M in the EST zone. Always add one hour to the Central time to convert to the Eastern one. Both of these locations observe Daylight Saving Time, therefore there is a period of each year from March until November where the cl...