Convert EST to IST This simple EST to IST time zone converter allows you to quickly and visually understand the time difference between Eastern Standard Time (EST) and India Standard Time (IST). Just hover over the colored hour tiles, and you’ll instantly see the corresponding time in both...
Time conversion from Eastern Standard Time (-5) to India Standard Time(+5:30). EST to IST time zones converter, calculator, table and map.
This time zone converter lets you visually and very quickly convert EST to IST and vice-versa. Simply mouse over the colored hour-tiles and glance at the hours selected by the column... and done! EST stands forEastern Standard Time. IST is known asIndia Standard Time. IST is 10.5 hours...
Time Zone » IST → EST India Time (IST): Eastern Standard Time (EST): EST → IST Eastern Standard Time (EST): India Time (IST): India Time→Eastern Standard TimeConversion Chart (Reverse the chart below) 0:00 AM (0:00)IST = ...
Time zones with the GMT +1 offset: BST - British Summer Time CET - Central European Time IST - Irish Standard Time WEST - Western European Summer Time A - Alpha Time Zone CET - Central European Time MEZ - Mitteleuropäische Zeit WAT - West Africa Time WST - Western Sahara Summer ...
This time zone converter lets you visually and very quickly convert IST to EST and vice-versa. Simply mouse over the colored hour-tiles and glance at the hours selected by the column... and done! IST stands forIndia Standard Time. EST is known asEastern Standard Time. EST is 10.5 hours...
If it is 6:25 PM in the GMT zone, then it 1:25 PM in the EST zone. Simply subtract five hours from the time. Now, if Daylight Saving Time is in effect, there is a small difference. In this case, since the people in the Eastern zone move their clocks forward an hour to Eastern...
Convert Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) now to Eastern Standard Time (EST) now with this free and simple time zone converter and time zone table!
EST to UTC converter. Quickly convert Eastern Standard Time (EST) to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) accurately using our converter and conversion table.
Why should you trust our online time converter? We use theIANAtime zone database for calculating our time zone conversions. IANA is a well-known reputable source that coordinates and manages world timezone data. Most other sites use a static offset to convert between time zones. However, this...