Offset: HST is 10 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and is used in Pacific Countries: It is used in following countries: United States Principal Cities: The largest city in the HST timezone is Honolulu from USA with population about 371,657 people. Other major cities in the area ...
Current Time: 12:48:44 PM Current Date: Wednesday, Feb 05 2025 Time Offset: UTC-5 »EST to Local Time Conversion. • Convert Eastern Standard Time to specific time: EST toAmericaTimezones: AKDTAKSTADTASTBRTCDTCSTEDTHSTMDTMSTPDTPSTArgentinaBahamasBarbadosBelizeBoliviaCayman Is.ChileColombiaCosta...
EDT vs EST vs ET are three abbreviations that represent the Eastern Time Zone, which spans many countries from Canada to Panama. Learn more about the differences between these three initalisms.
8340477: Remove JDK1.1 compatible behavior for "EST", "MST", and "HST" time zones Reviewed-by: iris, jlu, joehw --- PR:
又是一个认为美国只有Eeastern Standard Time的人,美国不用华盛顿时间。Ignorance is Strength.Mainland U.S.有 四个时区:分别是EST CST MST PST。阿拉斯加和夏威夷有自己的时区,分别是:AKST和HST。而且美国是有Daylight Saving和冬令时的;然后又会出现 CDT MDT PDT 和 ADT;这种东西都不知道还来说别人不在美国,...
再过来的是中部时区(Central Standard Time - CST; UTC-6; Zone S),标准时间是比北京时间晚14小时。再往西是山地时区(Mountain... 分享1赞 美国旅游攻略吧 咖啡树叶叶 美国旅游实用信息美国时间 美国共分六个时区,每个相邻的时区相差一小时。其中美国本土四个,由东向西依次为: 1.东部时区(EST)的主要城市:...
Est‘s HomePage Contribute to codeestX/EstHome development by creating an account on GitHub.
Factory Lead Time: 12 Weeks Manufacturer: ROHM Semiconductor Risk Rank: 1.75 Additional Feature: HIGH RELIABILITY Breakdown Voltage-Min: 4 V Configuration: SINGLE Diode Element Material: SILICON Diode Type: TRANS VOLTAGE SUPPRESSOR DIODE JESD-30 Code: ...
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