The Time Now est un outil précis fournissant de multiples services en relation avec l'heure. Vous pouvez trouverquelle est l'heure actuellelocale dans plus de cent mille villes dans le monde, le décalage UTC/GMT,le nom complet et l'abréviation du fuseau horaire, ainsi que l'indication...
[created date] + GETDATE() - GETUTCDATE() That really only works correctly if the [created date] is from the current date. The OP posted an example date of '1/12/2004 7:04 PM' in his original post, so I assume that the table might contain different dates over a long period of...
the Joint Offerors shall pay for the purchase price of the Property as well as any costs, expenses and taxes in relation to the Acquisition in their respective Participation Proportions; and it shall be a requirement under the JV...
We also refer to the announcements of Kunlun Energy, a non-wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, dated 10 December 2019 and 23 July 2020, in relation to the potential disposal of certain pipeline assets to PipeChina by Kunlun Energy. The Board announces th...
a他对我们未来的联系有影响么? He the relation will be future influential to us?[translate] a贝多芬(1770~1888)生于德国波恩的一个音乐艺术世家。贝多芬是世界艺术史上的最伟大作曲家之一,他的创作集中体现了他那伟大的性格,反映了那个时代的进步思想。贝多芬的音乐作品主要有:《大交响曲》、《月光奏鸣曲》、...
(i) Brokerage services: the brokerage services (a) provided by the Group to the GTJA Group in relation to Hong Kong and/or overseas securities, futures, options, bonds, etc. and ancillary services, and (b) provided by the GTJA Group to the Group ...
2021 in relation to the subscription of the interests in the Fund by Besunyen Healthcare Investment ''subsidiary(ies)'' has the meaning ascribed thereto under the Listing Rules ''USD'' US Dollar, the lawful currency of the United States ...
Reference is made to the announcement of the Company dated 17 December 2020 in relation to the acquisition of land use rights in Shanghai, the PRC (i.e. the Land Acquisition). The purpose of this circular is, among other...
If any Investec plc Shareholder wishes to object to Investec's proposals as to voting at the Court Meeting, or to raise any other issue in relation to the Court Meeting or the conduct of such meeting, they may attend the Convening Hearing in order to do so. Th...
This was driven by a higher rent tax rate, which correlates to the price of Brent. Also, the Company's rent tax payable was recalculated for 2012-2015 and reduced by 11.6bn Tenge in 2016 as a result of changes in the tax ...