The correct configuration of the speakers, headphones and headset microphone is expected. The tested kernel is based on commit 96a89e55f0ec432e082cf173cc30467961ed10cd from fork of Marian Postevca aka@codepayneLink: 酷酷的涵涵 1L喂熊 1 楼主声音大小怎么调节的 我的还是不会调节 zhazhiyou 打酱油的 5 终端里执行alsamixer按S键或F6键,选择“sof-essx8336”声卡进入经测试,针对我这台酷比魔方iWork20Pro笔记本电脑至少要改以下几项:Headphone项:音量用方向键...
You may also have too strict configurations for developers only, here's what we recommend for end-user kernels edgardogho commented on Oct 4, 2021 edgardo...
这次在德亚入手了KUU YoBook笔记本电脑。这个牌子我以前也没听说过,是深圳产的。应该算是以前OEM厂生产的,不再走山寨路线,开始自己做品牌了。这次写测评的出发点当然是能大概3折入手(合90欧),条件就是写个评测。第一次写测评,那就要好好写了。<手动滑稽> 这篇测评的结构如下: 一、开箱图 二、配置以及评价 三...
intel第八代CPU N4120,搭配的声卡ESSX8336(硬件芯片型号ES8316C),无法识别,没有声音。麻烦官方能...
intel第八代CPU N4120,搭配的声卡ESSX8336(硬件芯片型号ES8316C),无法识别,没有声音。麻烦官方能... No sound from laptop speaker & internal mic not detected. opened 07:17AM - 05 Jun 23 UTC thesuryavivek codec Community codec ES8336 I am using Ubuntu 23.04 with kernel 6.2.0-20-generic. My laptop is INFINIX INBOO… There are only 17 bugs against this...
没解决啊,一愁莫展! ES8316C(Windows里显示是ESSX8336)系列的声卡,在Linux内核的FydeOS和Deepin、UOS等操作系统上的驱动问题一直没有办法解决!Su12 (Su) 2023 年6 月 26 日 03:08 40 No sound from laptop speaker & internal mic not detected. opened 07:17AM - 05...
intel第八代CPU N4120,搭配的声卡ESSX8336(硬件芯片型号ES8316C),无法识别,没有声音。麻烦官方能... No sound from laptop speaker & internal mic not detected. opened 07:17AM - 05 Jun 23 UTC thesuryavivek codec Community codec ES8336 I am using Ubuntu 23.04 with kernel 6.2.0-20-generic. My laptop is INFINIX INBOO… There are only 17 bugs against this...