They have their uses but for this reason, the more holistic approach prefers essential oils. Having said that, absolutes do hold their place within aromatherapy and natural fragrance applications. Just as with steam distilled essential oils, absolutes should be used cautiously and with knowledge. O...
Many of the medicinal Nutmeg uses were first discovered by the Chinese and now are avital partofChinese culture. Today, we still use nutmeg as an essential oilenergize and balance. Did you know that the original Coca-Cola contained essential oils?Yes it contained Coriander (Cilantro),Cinnamon,...
Thyme Vitality Essential Oil(Thymus vulgaris) Known since ancient times as a medicinal herb, thyme contains large amounts of thymol. Idaho Tansy Essential Oil(Tanacetum vulgare) Please Note:This product was reformulated and Idaho Tansy was removed due to supply constraints. ...
Be sure to only use a high quality, medicinal grade essential oil. Tea tree oil is often heavily adulterated with other chemicals and fillers in some parts of the world, soif you wish to use tea tree oil medicinally, be sure that your oil is labeled with the genus (such asMelaleuca alte...
Vaou, N.; Stavropoulou, E.; Voidarou, C.; Tsigalou, C.; Bezirtzoglou, E. Towards Advances in Medicinal Plant Antimicrobial Activity: A Review Study on Challenges and Future Perspectives.Microorganisms2021,9, 2041. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed] ...
white cabbage. The aphids were placed on the bridge, and their choice was recorded depending on whether they went to the treatment side (containing the selected essential oil) or the control side (no essential oil). All the selected caraway essential oils showed that they repel aphids to ...