Essential oils are used for a wide array of different things, although the earliest and most common use of essential oils was as a type of perfume. Essential oils are very potent, and in many cases mildly to severely allergenic, and as such, it has to be diluted with a carrier oil. On...
argan oil arnica oil coconut oil jojoba oil magnesium oil neem oil rosehip oil sea buckthorn oil Common Uses What are essential oils good for? Well, here are the many uses for your body (including oral, hair and skin care), general health (such as for allergies, digestion and sleep), ...
olive oil, sweet almond oil, argan oil, and jojoba oil (although this is really a wax). They aren’t volatile like essential oils are. They tend to be heavier than essential oils and are very safe for the dermis (inner skin).
This list of dog safe essential oils is not exhaustive. You may also find there are animal-specific blends from certain companies, such as Infect Away essential oil or Animal Scents oils like Puriclean from Young Living. Other oils can be used to combat issues that come with having animals,...
Here are 10 health uses for sandalwood essential oil: 1. Relaxing and Calming Sandalwood oil is great for inducing mental clarity. Furthermore, it can help you feel relaxed and at peace, without making you feel too drowsy. In fact, a study published in the Journal of Complementary Therapies...
Known as the king of essential oils, Frankincense has a variety of notable uses and benefits. This powerful essential oil is revered for its ability to beautify and rejuvenate skin when applied topically, and to promote cellular health and immunity, and produce a healthy inflammatory response when...
Thyme essential oil benefits are profound and bring healing to the body in many ways. It's a powerful oil from such a humble little herb!
For an essential oil recipe that screams, “I love fall!” from the first bite, give these essential oil Pumpkin Cookies a try. Another way to get your pumpkin fix, this recipe uses Cinnamon, Ginger, and Clove essential oils to infuse the flavors of autumn into little morsels of goodness...
(Find 100% pure eucalyptus essential oil for all these uses here.) 1. Bathroom Cleaner Eucalyptus essential oil is a great germ killer, so I like to use it to clean my bathroom. I use it in a spray bottle to clean the sink and around my toilet and use it with baking soda and ...
It is a company-internal promise and no other oil brand uses it. EG oils are all tested in batches before bottling. The oils are stored in a temperature sensitive room with minimal light exposure. This ensures the therapeutic properties are not compromised. ...