Using essential oils on dogs can provide wonderful results, but some can be dangerous for dogs. Always research the oil, animal, and method of use prior to using any oil for dogs or any other pet. In any situation, always choose the gentlest method you can when caring for your fur babies!
When it comes to essential oils, there is always the potential for harm if they are not used correctly. For example, using oils around dogs that are not diluted can be dangerous. Essential oils can be harmful if ingested, inhaled, or in contact with the skin. When using essential oils ar...
But not all essential oils are good for dogs. In fact, some oils can be dangerous.So, what essential oils are safe for dogs?Here’s the information you need about essential oils … which ones are safe for dogs and which aren’t. Plus, how to use them safely on or around your dog....
Birch (Sweet Birch Oil) Boldo (Peumus boldus) Calamus (Calamus aromaticus) Camphor Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus or gum tree) *Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) *Tea Tree (Melaleuca) Wormseed (Chemopodium) (*These are especially dangerous to dogs and other animals.) Essential Oils that are Safe ...
What essential oils are safe for guinea pigs? (This was a special request) Guinea pigs, and other small animals would follow the same essential oil tips above.Many oils can be very, very dangerous for them, so diffusing oils is only recommended following the guidelines above. ...
Age, physical condition and species are so varied that guessing which oil and how to use it can be dangerous to the pet. “Skin irritation like a hot spot or rash is a relatively minor problem that could benefit from the right essential oil. An open wound requires a veterinary visit,” ...
It’s designed to be perfect for cars. All the buttons are on top of the diffuser, so you won’t need to perform some dangerous gymnastics to control it while driving. One drawback of the design is that it’s quite large – if your car has smaller cup holders, it might just tip ...
then ingest privately or they are very public about it, encouraging others to follow suit, with no knowledge of the chemistry of good and bad components within essential oils. Most of what we hear and read about ingesting essential oils from the untrained is wrong, unsafe, and dangerous. ...
Myth 1: All Essential Oils Are Safe For Children If Diluted Many essential oils are dangerous to use on children ages five and under. Before using an essential oil on a young child, be sure to consult a professional. Different oils can have different effects on children. Myth 2: It Is ...
Using your favorite essential oil, beeswax, Shea butter, and other moisturizing ingredients, these lotion bars will give you a glowing complexion, while helping you avoid heavy makeup or dangerous sun exposure. A simple, mess-free option for giving your skin a boost, these lotion sticks will ...