The strong aroma of essential oils will repel bugs and help prevent bug bites as well as give you added aromatic benefits! ESSENTIAL OIL BUG REPELLENT RECIPE INGREDIENTS Making your own essential oil bug repellent recipe is simple and effective! You only need two ingredients to make the rub-on...
Stay out of the sun or other UV light after an application of a furanocoumarin-laced oil mix for at least 12 hours. Furanocoumarin is a chemical present in some essential oils that increases the risk of phototoxicity, so best to keep these out of your homemade bug repellents! Don’t as...
Citronella isn’t the best smelling oil ever but it’s not the worst either. I spray this on mine and my kid’s ankles and our clothing to help repel the bugs. For the baby, I only spray his clothes, not his skin. If you like this DIY post you might also like my recipe forAll...
You will need a digital scale to weigh the ingredients for my mosquito repellent body butter recipe. Additionally, substitutions can be made for this recipe. While I have not tested substitutions for this formula, these are my closest approximations that I believe would work. Babassu oil and ca...
Related: Check out my Homemade Natural Bug Repellent Lotion for even longer-lasting results. What essential oils keep mosquitoes away? Have you ever wondered why there are many different recommendations for all-natural bug repellents? Why would one essential oil mosquito repellent recipe work so we...
Oil Pull with a drop of clove essential oil in 1 TBSP raw coconut oil Here’s a fun recipe! Mini Pumpkin Pieswith Clove essential oil Ingredients 2 cups pureed pumpkin 1 large egg ¼ cup egg whites ½ cup milk of choice 3 teaspoon melted butter or coconut oil ...
2.Insect Repellent No one likes bug bites, end of story. But chemical-smelling, toxic insect repellent isn’t much better. Use this natural recipe instead. Get yourself a cloth or a bandana (something you don’t care about) and put up to 10 drops of theseessential oils(or a combination...
Using the Homemade Mosquito Repellent Note: Care should be taken when using any homemade products. Be sure to keep this repellent away from children and pets. Take care not to ingest it or get it in your eyes. To use the essential oil bug spray, mist the mixture directly on your expose...
Eucalyptus oil has a very low natural SPF. While you might not use it by itself to offer protection from UV rays, you could always add it to your own homemade sunscreen. Here’s our Homemade Sunscreen recipe. 11. Insect Repellent Many bugs are not fond of eucalyptus, so add it to a...
What if I told you you can literally swap out that surplus for one bottle? Yes, one bottle! Since we started our essential oil journey, we have been slowly swapping out some of the not-so-healthy... Read More Essential Oils in the Bible ...