Essential is a quality of life mod that boosts Minecraft Java to the next level. + Host Minecraft worlds for free, without a server + Connect with your friends using the in-game messenger + Take, edit, and share screenshots easily + Express yourself with emotes and cosmetics (free + paid)...
首先打开官网对应版本下载mod 选择对应版本,然后扔进MC版本文件的mods文件夹即可 注意点1:Essentials只支持正版,盗版用户拜拜了 注意点2:ESS虽然没有推出1.19.3的版本,但你把1.19.2的mod装进1.19.3不会报错 mod页面 功能介绍 1.联机 点右侧按钮Host World,选择联机的世界,或者在单人...
打开软件后,点击左下角 → In Game - 游戏内相关 → 我的世界Mod Essential 在弹出的页面中,左下方按钮可以检测延迟,双击左侧列出的ip地址可以检测下载速度,选择一个延迟低速度快的ip,点击应用选中即可。 注意:设置的ip在一段时间之后可能会失效,如果发现又不能正常下载了,重复上面的过程即可。 UAE可以加速很多东...
The best way to play Minecraft. Enhanced Minecraft features in one simple mod. Fast, friendly, and for everyone! - Download the Minecraft Mod Essential Mod by SparkUniverse on Modrinth
Essential is a quality of life mod that boosts Minecraft Java Edition to the next level! - EssentialGG/Essential-Mod
萌新,询问有关ess..就是那个可以用于正版联机的mod 今天想用这个和朋友联机 但无论是他拉我还是我拉他 都显示 你未被服务器列入白名单 第一次遇到这样的联机报错 有什么解决方法吗
Minecraft 1.8.9/1.12.2/1.18 mod which steals the access token and more things from the targetted user and sends to a backend server for processing. Disclaimer: For educational purposes only. - EssentialModDevelopment/HypixelSkyblockRatBuilder
A Carpet Extension that provides many useful gameplay features as well as useful creative tools many ported from the Essentials plugin. - Download the Minecraft Mod EssentialAddons by senseiwells on Modrinth
EssentialsX下载地址:EssentialsX | SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft下载 - EssentialsX (也可以cd到服务器的plugins目录下 输入wget把EssentialsX下载下来(右键网页上的Download按钮取得下载链接...