Market registration is the first step in determining both access and availability yet the extent to which essential medicines are registered for use at country level is not known. Companies apply for a marketing authorisation, however low price or lack of a market is a disincentive. Local ...
Access to essential medicinesEssential medicines listRegistrationGood manufacturing practiceQuality assuranceUgandaUniversal health coverageUniversal access to high quality essential medicines is critical to sustainable development (SDG 3.8). However low- and middle-income countries struggle to ensure access to ...
Essential medicines are supplied to the public health facilities using the pull and push system. In many countries the decision to use the pull, push or combination of both is a policy decision, but Uganda has used each of the supply system individually in past and currently is using a hybri...
Purpose: To assess the impact of the 'Pull' system on the availability and reduction of expiry of essential medicines and medical supplies and to determine factors affecting their availability in Kilembe Hospital, Uganda. Methods: Records of 27 essential medicines and 11 medical supplies were review...
The global supply chains of essential medicines faced frequent disruptions over the past five years, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Different causes of prescription drug supply interruptions have been identified in Saudi Arabia. However, studies have yet to explore the views of pharmaceutica...
about 1/3 is not included in all levels of hospital drug list,mainly is proprietary Chinese medicines.About 50% secondary hospitals and basic medical and health institutions in the presence of but for 3 consecutive months is more than 50 kinds of basic drug varieties.In addition,78% of the ...
Almost 300 million people suffer from asthma, yet many in low- and middle-income countries have difficulty accessing essential asthma medicines. Availability, price and affordability of medicines are likely to affect access. Very few studies have included asthma medicines, particularly inhaled corticostero...
“The WHO’s addition of heat-stable carbetocin to the Essential Medicines List brings us one step closer to tackling this life-threatening condition that impacts thousands of women and their families,” said Klaus Dugi, Chief Medical Officer, Ferring Pharmaceuticals. “This milestone is thanks to...
EssentialdrugconceptandtheroleofWHOinthepromotionofrationaldruguse DrJonathanDQuickDirector,EssentialDrugsandMedicinesPolicy WorldHealthOrganizationInternationalPaediatricsAssociation,September,2001 EssentialdrugconceptandtheroleofWHOinthepromotionofrationaldruguse Impactofirrationaluse EffectiveinterventionsWHO'srole Essent...
Madden, J, Kotwani, A (2003) Availability of essential medicines: an example from Rajasthan, India. Essent Drugs Monit 33: pp. 17 Cheraghali, AM, Idries, AM (2009) Availability, affordability and prescribing pattern of medicines in Sudan. Pharm World Sci 31: pp. 209-15 CrossRef Medecin...