1、初级 Essential grammar in use 3th(红色那本) PDF 2、中级 English grammar in use 4th(蓝色那本)PDF+补充练习册+MP3 【独家】(MP3是从光盘里面直接复制出来的,音频比较零碎) 3、高级 Advanced grammar in use 3th(绿色那本)PDF 需要全部3本请拍【全套】选项,其余单本请拍对应的单本即可 ...
剑桥语法书Advanced Essential English Grammar in Use 英文版剑桥语法初级1本 全彩印刷赠音频PDF帅艺汽车装饰专营店 登录查看更多图片 > 剑桥语法书Advanced Essential Englis... 1 编,1 译 京东价 ¥ 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- 支持 加入购物车 ...
《English Grammar in Use Fourth Edition》特点:比初级语法点更深入全面,将有关联的语法概念串联在一起解析,更系统。📗“剑桥高级语法书”《Advanced Grammar in Use》特点:讲解深入,例句丰富,包括多种雅思语法的高级用法。📝PDF版整理好了,方便随时翻阅!#IELTS(雅思) #IELTS(雅思) #屠雅攻略 发布于 2022-...
Imagine how much more you will learn and enjoy when traveling in an English-speaking country when you can read what’s going on around you. Prepares You for Intermediate English Grammar Rules We all have to start somewhere. Advanced English grammar can be very complicated, so as a beginner ...
used. Compared to then, while there is much more competition in the space, I must say that the amount of tools that allow bloggers to do anything and everything are only greater, and thus those that understand which blogging tools to use and how to use them will have a competitive ...
Strong in Google Analytics/Omniture Assist in the development of presentations to clients Advanced proficiency with MS Excel, SQL Advanced writing, grammar, spelling, editing, and English skills with a creative flair Creating press releases and distribution Proficiency in design software, Photoshop and ...
Update #4 圣诞节更新 中文翻译版 93628 人造语言吧 天蝎矛u 征集翻译:加缪写于二战前夕的新年祝福But it wants you to maintain the force and the lucidity necessary for forging your own well-being and dignity..《共和党人晚报》可以用自己的语言翻译出来,也可以直接用法语原文Le Soir-Républicain... ...
The declaration does not apply to the use of basic tools, such as tools used to check grammar, spelling and references. If you have nothing to disclose, you do not need to add a statement. Please read Elsevier’s author policy on the use of generative AI and AI-assisted technolo...
FOREWORD Idiomatic expressions have long played an important role in the English language. In fact, the use of idioms is so widespread that an understanding of these expressions is essential to successful communication, whether in listening, speaking, reading, or writing. The student may learn gram...