But this year, regulation leapfrogged to second, cited as a priority by half the CEOs in our study (see Figure 5). 2013 2015 2017 2019 2020 57% Technological factors 50% Regulatory concerns 50% Market factors 44% Macro-economic factors 44% People skills 27% Globalization 22% Environmental ...
Cells were then cen- trifuged at 450 × g for 5 min to separate the SVF cells in the sediment. The freshly isolated SVF cells were seeded and cultured in growth medium. Primary mature BAs were collected as previously described72. In short, iBAT was dissected, minced, and digested in 2 ...
Studies have been published, and laboratories offer services of measuring elements in hair as biomarkers of environmental exposure and/or control of essential elements (trace or macro). These reported values can have only sense if compared with adopted r
LncRNAs, a class of RNAs more than 200 bases long that do not traditionally encode proteins, have been proved to participate in various fundamental biological processes [5]. Generally, they show more tissue-specific expression profiles, less conservation in different species, and relatively lower ...