MCC – Master Certified Coach, the highest credential awarded byICF. MBTI – Myers Briggs Type Indicator, an assessment tool, often used when working with teams. NLP/ Neurolinguistic Programming – Neuro (neurology) and Linguistic (language) program (patterns, themes) is about the language of th...
The worst thing would be that if you want to go back to being a sysadmin but chose to cling on to your management role for whatever reason. Then the company has lost a great sysadmin and gained a miserable manager. Don't let that happen to yourself or your employer. Ensure you take a...
This setting is supposed to be the best of both worlds. The key phrase there is “supposed to be”! In this mode, the camera will pick either Single or Continuous focus mode for you, based on its assessment of the subject. The problem is – just like any auto setting – there is a...
The worst thing would be that if you want to go back to being a sysadmin but chose to cling on to your management role for whatever reason. Then the company has lost a great sysadmin and gained a miserable manager. Don't let that happen to yourself or your employer. Ensure you take a...