Essence的品牌理念是“MAKE BEAUTY FUN”,他们一直坚持用好玩的彩妆产品和品牌体验打动每一位女性。品牌成立于2002年,隶属于COSNOVA集团旗下的纯素彩妆品牌。虽然价格亲民,但品质却丝毫不输大牌,尤其在平价彩妆市场中独树一帜。 Essence的明星产品包括香蕉粉饼、初生粉底液等。香蕉粉饼不仅外观可爱,还有很好的控油效果,...
“MAKE BEAUTY FUN”是essence德国艾森丝的品牌宣言。essence德国艾森丝一直致力于以最快乐的方式,为女性带来自信与美丽。其拥有非常丰富的产品线,以香蕉粉饼为核心明星产品,同时还涵盖多款功能性粉饼、腮红、唇蜜、眼影、高光、美妆工具等系列彩妆产品。图一:明星产品🌟🌟🌟艾森丝柔雾提亮粉饼10淡黄香蕉色图二:...
无论是明媚阳光、纯真洒脱,还是松弛快乐,周翊然以肆意生长的蓬勃朝气,不断释放温暖人心的青春活力。在这次的合作中,周翊然也以无限少年感,尽情演绎了艾森丝品牌放肆玩,放心用的宗旨,快来与我们一起MAKE BEAUTY FUN吧! 即日起,您可以在以下官方渠道体验和购买essence艾森丝产品 天猫:艾森丝旗舰店、cosnova海外旗舰店 抖...
无论是明媚阳光、纯真洒脱,还是松弛快乐,周翊然以肆意生长的蓬勃朝气,不断释放温暖人心的青春活力。在这次的合作中,周翊然也以无限少年感,尽情演绎了艾森丝品牌放肆玩,放心用的宗旨,快来与我们一起MAKE BEAUTY FUN吧! 即日起,您可以在以下官方渠道体验和购买essence艾森丝产品 ...
无论是明媚阳光、纯真洒脱,还是松弛快乐,周翊然以肆意生长的蓬勃朝气,不断释放温暖人心的青春活力。在这次的合作中,周翊然也以无限少年感,尽情演绎了艾森丝品牌放肆玩,放心用的宗旨,快来与我们一起MAKE BEAUTY FUN吧! 即日起,您可以在以下官方渠道体验和购买essence艾森丝产品 ...
These it-products in bright pink, fuchsia, purple tones and brown ensure that you always look great, too! The absolute beauty-faves are the lipsticks, the lip peeling and the cool duo-polishes. Girls just wanna have fun – with essence!
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At first it seemed to be merely a pleasurable and fun physical exercise, but the exquisite balance of strength, grace and sensuality of pole dance drew my attention to the great beauty and art expressed in movement. I received additional training in Las Vegas, North Carolina and Hamburg, ...
And there is an absolute beauty and an absolute good, and of other things to which the term `many' is applied there is an absolute; for they may be brought under a single idea, which is called the essence of each. View in context Concerning each of which many seem to have fallen int...